Week 11: The Week that was the last of Embryohood!

No doctor appointments this week – that was a bit of a relief. By this point, my increased urination has really made itself known. Prior to this pregnancy, I didn’t realize that it kicked in so early – I assumed it was an end of pregnancy thing. Because of the extra blood volume in my system along with the pregnancy hormones, it’s actually quite noticeable already!
We had a bit of fun this week telling a few more people about the pregnancy. Sara’s best friend Mei already know, but the whole family came over to visit on Saturday June 9th, and we decided to tell Phil (Mei’s husband) and their kids. Everyone was excited for us, though the kids being teenagers had somewhat underwhelming reactions.
On Friday June 14th Sara had several of her friends come over to hang out and visit, and we told them. The opportunity came up when they offered me some wine. I looked at Sara and she announced our happy news – everyone was surprised and quite excited. We had the ultrasound pictures from our last fertility clinic visit to share, which everyone liked looking at.
Baby Stats:
Stage: Embryo (last week!)
Size: Kumquat, 1.25 inches
Major Developments: If XY, should be produing own testosterone! Heart & Digestive system functioning, can smell!
Dad Info:
Dr Visits: None! But did go to acupuncture Appt 6/14 to support pregnancy
Symptoms: Heartburn getting better, Fatigue, Increased Urination