Week 10: The Week when we graduated!

This week was a busy week with appointments. On Monday June 3rd, I had my first visit with the clinic we chose to go through for prenatal care & delivery. The University of Colorado Hospital Anschutz location is only 15 minutes from our house, and they have things like a midwife group, birthing pools, nitrous oxide, large soaking tubs in labor rooms, and more. I really like the idea of working with midwives as my primary hospital contact. So, for this visit I met with one of the midwives and we spent awhile going over my history,s he did an exam, and then they needed to get blood & urine for some tests. They decided to do an early glucose test to check for gestational diabetes, due to my PCOS history & being on a drug to help with my blood sugar levels. The test came back negative, thankfully! We didn’t do an ultrasound since I’d just gotten one the previous week in the emergency room.
I will likely see different midwives for my various appointments, but that’s fine with me; we have no way of knowing for sure who will be attending the birth, so it would be helpful to meet as many as we can. Up until 32 weeks my check-ups will be every 4 weeks – after that they go to every 2 weeks until 36 weeks, after which they will be weekly.
The other appointment we had this week was Thursday June 6th for our second ultrasound with the fertility clinic. Sara and I both attended. The baby looked so much more like a baby than in the first ultrasound! They were headbutting me during the ultrasound and we could see them moving around – it was fantastic. The heartbeat was strong, and the crown-rump measurement was 3.14 cm, which corresponds with 10W 0D – right on track! The outcome of this visit was that we officially graduated from the fertility clinic! It was our last visit with them, and after this, all of our care will be through the hospital we chose.
Baby Stats:
Stage: Embryo
Size: Pecan 1 inch
Major Developments: Kidneys, liver, brain & lungs starting to function. Tast buds starting to develop.
Dad Info:
Dr Visits: 6/3 with midwife, tests all good, blood pressure good. 6/6 – fertility clinic final visit, ultrasound
Symptoms: Heartburn, Fatigue, Increased Urination