Week 9: The week with our 2nd ultrasound – unplanned!

This week was extra challenging. On Wednesday May 29th, Sara got her 2nd round of chemo. I dropped her off at the chemo room around 9:30 am; she was scheduled to be done around 4:30. I went to get the oil changed on the car, which took a few hours. Afterwards, I intended on going back to the hospital to do some work, but I was SOOOOOOOO exhausted. This was the first week when I really felt like pregnancy was kicking my butt in the energy department. Thankfully I was able to just take the whole day off work. Instead of hanging out at the hospital, I went to my mom’s house to spend some time with her since she’d gotten off work early that day. My youngest sister, Sarah, was there so I took that opportunity to tell her about the baby.
At the end of this week, Thursday May 30th, I was getting ready to leave work and felt something strange. I went to the bathroom to find I was bleeding heavily – enough to go through my jeans, though not too noticeably. I messaged with Sara and took an Uber to the closest ER. They treated me super well – something was worried about being a pregnant trans man. They were able to get me in almost right away. My mom was available to pick Sara up and bring her to the hospital, so after about an hour I had company.
The visit lasted about 3 hours altogether and involved a pelvic exam, bloodwork/urine testing, and an ultrasound. We were SO relieved to find out that the dignosis was a sub chorionic hemorrhage. This is when blood accumulates between the uterus and placenta around the site where it attaches. It doesn’t always cause large amounts of bleeding but can. Although it was scary, it did not pose a risk to the pregnancy.
On the sonogram, the baby was looking great – right on track at 2.2 cm crown-rump, which corresponds to 9W 0D.
Baby Stats:
Stage: Embryo
Size: Strawberry 3/4 inch
Major Developments: Facial Features becoming more prominent, Limbs lengthening
Dad Info:
Dr Visits: ER Visit 5/30 – subchorionic hemorrhage, everything ended up ok!
Symptoms: Heartburn, Fatigue, Increased Urination