Week 8: The Week when we saw baby for the 1st time!!

This was a really exciting week – we got to see the baby for the first time on an ultrasound! The ultrasound appointment was Wednesday, May 22nd with our fertility doctor. We could clearly see the baby in the ultrasound, though it was still kind of blob-like at this point. In one of the pictures we got, it almost looks like a baby turtle in profile. Sara was feeling well enough to go with me to the ultrasound, which made me happy – we were both glad to be there.
The baby’s heart rate was excellent – 159 bpm, and they were measuring 7W 5D in size, which is right on track. The crown-rump measurement was 1.41 cm, which is just over half an inch.
We shared a few ultrasound pictures with various family members, and with Sara’s best friend Mei who visited on Friday evening.
Baby Stats:
Stage: Embryo
Size: Raspberry 1/2 inch
Major Developments: Brain gaining ~ 100 cells/minute! Teeth buds beginning, Bones starting to harden.
Dad Info:
Dr Visits: 5/22 – first ultrasound! Went well.
Symptoms: Heartburn, Low Energy, Increased Urination