George’s Scrapbook

Week 6: The Week when lots of organ development began!

Week 6 scrapbook page with a rainbow zigzag background, no pictures
Week 6 scrapbook page with a rainbow zigzag background, no pictures
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This was a tough week – Sara was hospitalized May 3rd and remained in the hospital until the following Friday.

Thankfully, the hospital stay was super beneficial – it resulted in her going home with pain under control and with her first chemo session under her belt.

Most of my time and energy was spent with Sara this week – sitting with her in the hospital. There was lots of driving between the house and the hospital because the dogs and cat still had to be taken care of. Luckily, I was able to take the full week off work so that I wasn’t also worrying about that.

Having the week off work and a bit of downtime at the hospital did give me amble opportunity to look at resources on pregnancy, do some reading, etc.

While Sara was having her chemo administered, I did go home as to avoid any potential exposure on my side. We’ve talked to her doctor and confirmed we’ll be okay at home together after chemo – we just have to take certain precautions that aren’t too cumbersome.

Baby Info:
Stage: Embryo
Size: Black Peppercorn
Major Development: Heart & major organs are forming. Baby nearly doubles in size weekly right now!

Doctor Visits: None!
Pregnancy Symptoms: None!

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