Week 5: The Week We Found Out

We took the pregnancy test in the evening before bed on Friday, April 26th. I was so surprised to see a positive result, it felt like the air had been sucked out of my lungs momentarily.
I brought the tests into the bedroom and called out Sara’s name. She looked up and I told her I was pregnant. Neither of us said anything for a minute, until Sara replied with something like, “Well, we’re going to have a baby!” We were both happy and so surprised, but we were also really scared.
We’d just found out earlier in the week that there was a high chance that Sara had cancer. This diagnosis (endometrial cancer) was confimred on Monday, April 29th, the same day that I went in for my blood test to confirm the pregnancy.
We hadn’t dreamed that we would be facing such a serious health issue at the same time as our pregnancy – it hadn’t been in the plans. But despite so many unknowns facing us, we were so, so happy that we’d conceived a child, and we would be doing everything we could to make our vision for our future with our child become a reality.
Because of Sara’s diagnosis, we decided to tell our families and a few really close friends about the pregnancy, so that they could support both of us during the months ahead.
Doctor Visits:
4/29/19 – blood work to confirm pregnancy – HCG = 195, Progesterone = 19.7
5/2/19 – repeat bloodwork – HCG = 890 (excellent!), progesterone = 18
Baby Info:
Stage: Embryo! (Was a zygote last week)
Size: Poppyseed
Development this week: Neural tube is forming! Heart tube is forming!