Week 18: The Week we signed a Doula Contract!

The only real notable thing going on this week from a Baby Thompson perspective was that we met on Saturday, July 27th with the two Doulas and went ahead and signed the contract for their services! THe purpose behind having a Doula is to have someone whose sole purpose at the birth is to focus on supporting Sara and I. The Doulas we’ve engaged are Melita and Gray from The Braving Doula Collective (bravingdoulacollective.com), who were recommended by a Doula friend of ours who we were going to work with but who moved to another state. In addition to support during the birth itself, the Doulas will help us understand our various options, come up with a birth plan, and prep us for the birth as well as coming home with the baby.
Other than the Doula meeting, the rest of the weeek was busy with non-baby stuff; some good friends Kate and Susan came over after the Doulas left, and then on Sunday the 28th we had dinner with some other friends, CHris and Arlene, for Arlene’s birthday. Sara had a visit with eher doctor and another chemo session on Wednesday the 31st – that’s chemo session #5. We’re hoping she’ll only hae one more after this before her surgery!
On the 31st I attended part of a baseball game that was our employee summer event, and I couldn’t resist picking up a little rocking Baseball onesie. I went with 6-9 months, which should be about the size the baby is in next summer.
We forgot to write about this last week, but our little welcome baby box arrived from Amazon – it is free after you complete a baby registry and one item is purchased. Our purchased item was an awesome onesie about gender roles being not awesome – there’s a picture of it on this scrapbook page. The welcome box included a variety of items like a cute patterned swaddling/burping muslin cloth, a bottle, some bio-oil for me, some diaper/wipe samples, etc.
Baby Stats:
Size: Pomegranate, about 5 inches long
Major Developments: Skeleton is ossifying (turning to bone). Brain continuing to develop the senses, umbilical cord is strengthening.
Dad Info:
Dr. Visits: None!!
Symptoms: Nothing New, some heartburn, headaches, urinary control issues