George’s Scrapbook

Week 14: The Week with the big announcement!

Week 14 scrapbook page, background covered in dark green jungle-type leaves with various patterns.
Week 14 scrapbook page, background covered in dark green jungle-type leaves with various patterns.
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This was a very exciting week: 40 weeks divided by 3 = 13.3333. We hit 14 weeks this week so we are unequivocally in the 2nd trimester no matter what standard is used! Most couples wait until the 2nd trimester to announce their pregnancy since the risk of miscarriage is so high in the 1st. We decided this was the right week to announce our pregnancy, even though we were only 13W 1D when we announced.

On Saturday, June 29th I went ahead and posted a picture of one of our ultrasounds on Facebook that was superimposed with text indicating that Baby Thompson is due January 3rd, 2020, along with a personal note accompanying the picture. Sara posted the same picture with her own note. Everyone was so happy & excited for us, and we didn’t get any awkward questions/comments, which was relieving.

Although the people closest to us in day to day life already knew, it was relieving to get it out in the open among our larger circle of friends.

Later in the week we went to a July 4th barbeque at the mountain home of our friends Dominic and Kristen. The weather was beautiful and it was fun seeing a bunch of people that Sara has been friends with for a really long time.

Trent’s announcement text: Sara and I have some exciting news to share – Elvis, Shifu, and Ember are getting a human sibling at the end of this year! I have the privilege of growing this little one inside me as their dad.
This is something that’s been in the works in one way or another since late 2017, we got our positive test a few days before Sara’s diagnosis. Although the current timing is a little challenging, we are thrilled that our family is growing. Now that we’re at the start of the 2nd trimester, we feel it’s the right time to share the news more broadly.
We still have 6 more months to go before the little one is due to make an appearance – nothing specific we need right now, but we appreciate everyone’s thoughts/prayers/etc. that they continue growing healthy and strong and that the remainder of our pregnancy is uneventful.

Sara’s announcement text: Right after he proposed back in 2016, Trenton and I decided that we wanted to start and family and that he would carry the baby. After trying for quite a while, we finally got a positive pregnancy test right before my cancer diagnosis. So here is a huge reason I have to kick cancer’s ass, because I’m going to be a mama!
All of our ultrasounds and tests have been A+ so far! Just keep sending love and prayers to me and my handsome seahorse that we get through this year and come through the other side as healthy parents to a healthy baby!

Baby Stats:
Stage: Fetus (will be until delivery)
Size: Jalapeno, about 3 inches
Major Developments: Vocal Cords! Bones beginning to form – can suck thumb! Intestines relocating to abdomen. Fingerprints have developed!

Dad Info:
Dr Visits: None!
Symptoms: Headaches have been frequent. Bladder control – laughing/coughing/sneezing becoming dangerous!

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