Week 13: The Week with the cancelled X-Rays!

This week we got the results of the prior week’s NIPT back, which were normal. Although not 100% certainty, we decided we were comfortable enough with the accuracy that we didn’t want to go forward with any further testing, besides another blood screening that will have to be done early in the 2nd trimester for neural tube defects (spinal bifida) which isn’t covered by the testing we just had done.
I also had my 2nd regular midwife appointment this week – I got to hear the heartbeat again. It was nice and strong and was heart fairly easily. We decided to recheck my thyroid levels, which came back normal, though slightly higher than the test that was done when i had my bloodwork done to confirm the pregnancy back at the start of week 5. Pregnancy can cause thyroid levels to destabilize for those of us with thyroid disorders, so we have to monitor my levels periodically. So far so good! At the end of the appointment I was told to schedule my next one in 4 more weeks.
I did run into a mild annoyance when the letter informing us of the test results was addressed to “Ms. Thompson”. I sent a message to the midwife I saw this week asking if they could do something to make it clear that I use male pronouns/titles. A nurse wrote back and indicated they updated this information in my chart, so hopefully it won’t be an issue going forward.
I had a dental appointment this week and got to tell my hygienist (who I’d been going to for years) the good news. I’d been scheduled for x-rays, but we had to cancel those since they don’t perform dental x-rays on pregnant clients. They reminded me of the importance of good dental care during pregnancy – apparently pregnant people can have more problems with gums, loose teeth, etc. than normal, so I should do everything I can to keep my mouth health on track.
Baby Stats:
Stage: Fetus!
Size: Apricot, about 2 inches long
Major Developments: Baby is practicing breathing by inhaling amniotic fluid. Kidneys beginning to function.
Dad Info:
Dr Visits: 6/28 2nd midwife checkup. Blood pressure = good, normal temp.
Symptoms: Increased Headaches! Fatigue & Heartburn getting better, bladder control worse!