George’s Scrapbook

I created a scrapbook for our pregnancy with George; it was something I started pretty early on in the pregnancy to give me a way to express my excitement, despite everything going on. When George was delivered stillborn at just under 20 weeks, I went ahead and finished the scrapbook with an entry about his delivery & adding the below cover page.

I’ve decided to put this online to share with people because most of our friends haven’t had the opportunity to see it in person. This includes discussion of things that some people might think strange to put online – mentions of my bladder control issues during pregnancy, some discussion of my anatomy during the page on labor & delivery, but at the end of the day there’s nothing wrong or inappropriate or embarrassing about any of this. I don’t get to make new memories with George (or Sara) and this scrapbook is the best thing I have to share him with people.

I don’t get the opportunity to talk about George often, and even though George isn’t here with us alive, I like to remember that he was our son and Sara and I were his parents. He was with us for 20 weeks… Below the cover page image is a link to the various weeks’ pages from the scrapbook – you can navigate from week to week or come back to this main index page in between.

scrapbook cover with a central image of a tiny baby's head (in a small white knit cap) and hands, wrapped in a light blue blanket. To the right and left are tiny hand and footprints. Below is the title "Our 20 Weeks With George Daniel Thompson".
Scrapbook cover with a central image of a tiny baby’s head (in a small white knit cap) and hands, wrapped in a light blue blanket. To the right and left are tiny hand and footprints. Below is the title “Our 20 Weeks With George Daniel Thompson”
Scrapbook Introduction
Week 5: The Week We Found Out
Week 6: The Week when lots of organ development began!
Week 7: The week with our first scare!
Week 8: The Week when We saw baby for the 1st time!!
Week 9: The week with our 2nd ultrasound – unplanned!
Week 10: The Week when we graduated!
Week 11: The week that was the last of embryohood!
Week 12: The week with the 1st big testing decision!
Week 13: The Week with the cancelled X-Rays!
Week 14: The Week with the big announcement!
Week 15: The Week with Excellent News!
Week 16: The week Dad FELT PREGNANT for the 1st time
Week 17: The week we were excited to have another Dr. Appt!
Week 18: The week we signed a Doula contract!
Week 19: The Week we bought our 1st baby furniture!
Week 20: The Delivery of George Daniel Thompson