Deep, reflective Blue –
the color of the glass witch ball
gifted to us as a wedding present,
hanging in the corner of our dining room.
I think of all the things it has seen and heard,
and wish I could play them all back like a movie.
Dark, pearly Blue like the color of the roller ball on your mouse,
and my mouse – we discovered we used the same type
even before we knew each other!
The tumultuous blue of the Atlantic ocean –
such a sight from rocking chairs on the long deck of hotel
where we stayed on our first vacation together.
Your eyes lit up so brightly and your smile was so radiant –
I wanted to make you smile like that, always.
You were so happy on the beach and in the water –
that blue turned dark, almost black,
during the electric thunderstorm we watched from our hotel room.
Your blue suction-cup mounted baskets,
up on the bathroom mirror and in the shower –
while I’m not a minimalist, I was amazed at how much STUFF
you needed storage space for in the bathroom.
The blue leaves that stand out on the multi-color tree painting,
we both saw it at the store and simultaneously suggested it was the one
to mount above our bedroom, make it more cozy.
The medium blue knit blanket sent home with us
when we couldn’t bring George home –
today it’s mounted in a shadowbox in the living room,
a blue that goes well with the dark blue of his urn,
the only physical tokens I have from our son.
And recently – the dusty grey-blue leather furniture
I bought to replace your old fabric couch in the living room,
not so practical anymore with an aging dog who can’t control his bladder.
The blue furniture goes well
with the bright blue area rug at their feet –
I’d like to think you would love the new look of the room.
I miss the blue you and I had together.
If I had to pick a color for what I feel when I miss you
(which is really all the time) –
it would have to be