On the day the world ends

On the day the world ends
the sky is bright blue
with a sharp chill in the air
and little songbirds hopping around the window ledge

One the day the world ends
I wear my pajama pants and sweatshirt
with red, tired eyes
hair sticking up

On the day the world ends
I hold your hand
and kiss your cheek
and I try to figure out how to say goodbye

One the day the world ends
I have to pack up our things, your cards, and flowers,
knowing that I will be bringing everything home
except for you

On the day the world ends
My heart is broken as
I have to figure out how to keep breathing
even though you have stopped

On the day the world ends
I realize that all future mornings
will begin with a daily ending of my world
when I wakeup without you in it

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