
Hope is a funny thing
When at one point
It was ripped from my soul
Against my will
I wanted to hold on
So desperately 
But life pried it from my grasp
Tore it out of me
Time continues
Hours, Days, Weeks
Not yet a year, but soon

My body was attuned to you
But after?
I feel the network in my body
Hope used to buoy me
But it is raw and painful
The connections and channels
Still reminding me 
That my hope was stolen

I’ve had instances in the after
When hope has wanted to return
It seeps and pulses into its network
That winds through my body
But it isn’t the same
I’m damaged, injured
What used to feed resilience 
Now feels uncomfortable 
It feels wrong
My relationship with hope
Has become adversarial
As my body & soul try to heal
The new hope stings
Part of me wonders
If I would be better without

Is scary, now
I wish it weren’t
I miss its comfort
I wish I had a magic balm
To soothe the nerves and network
That hold my hope
But I just have to persist
Sit with the discomfort 
See how it develops
Maybe one day
Hope will feel okay again

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