
Death doesn’t prevent me from loving you.
I loved you from the moment I knew
You were growing within me…
We celebrated when you transitioned
from Embryo to Fetus.

Every milestone, every event
We celebrated with love.
We talked to you,
Talked about you,
Planned for your arrival.

When we realized you were arriving early –
Too Early…
We cried, and we held each other
and we still loved you.

You may have been small,
but I still felt every labor pain…
Contractions that seemed to only strengthen my love.
When you arrived, still and quiet,
I didn’t understand how my heart
could be both swelling with love
and breaking at the same time.

I wish I had spent more time with you,
even though you were still.
Wrapped in a blanket in my arms –
So light, yet so heavy.
But I believe you know that you are loved –
We did the best that we could.
You are my son, and death doesn’t prevent me from loving you.

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