Touching foreheads
a hand on the shoulder
bumping elbows
playing footsie
smooshing together on the couch with a dog on either side
massaging feet, shoulders, back
light tickling touch
HUGS – quick hugs, full body hugs, hugs in bed, hugs sitting down
holding hands
embracing while dancing
intimate touch
a head in a lap while watching tv
comforting touch to help ease fears
cheek kisses, mouth kisses, forehead kisses, hand kisses
playful butt pats
scalp and face massage
The list could go on and on…
In this time of social isolation, I miss Sara’s physical touch so acutely. Two weeks at home with just the pets – it gets lonely, and it will likely be weeks if not a month+ more of this. The levels of physical touch I had with others dropped of significantly after Sara died, but now it’s just so extreme. No hugs from friends, no accidental stranger shoulder bumps on the train, no hands on my shoulder, no handshakes. When I can’t touch anyone, it amplifies the loss of Sara’s touch.
I know the grass is always greener on the other side, but I envy those who have people to share their quarantine/isolation/stay-at-home time with, who they can physically touch.
Sara really did give the best hugs, and I miss them so very much.