Text version, to go with image above – cut out words arranged on a dark brown & shimmery light brown mosaic tile background.
I’m so angry that Sara and George were taken from me.
I don’t understand it. I don’t want this to be my reality, but here I am.
It is impossible for me to continue being the same person I was when I was with you.
I have no place to go where I can get respite from my grief.
I don’t know where I’m going or what I’m doing.
I have to deal with the fact that my life was completely upended.
Grief has impacted my ability to focus/concentrate, I feel scattered, and I’m still so sad every day.
When I think about moving forward, I worry –
My roadmap has been incinerated.
This isn’t something that’s just going to happen, no matter how much time I give it.
I used to be someone who was fundamentally content with life.
not only am I grieving for you, but I’m also grieving a little bit for who I was when I was with you.
Grief of this type is not simple.
You were my world for four years. Four wonderful, amazing years.
All day there are reminders –
Will always be there to some extend, bringing Sara and George with me in a way that they can still be part of my life.
It’s felt like the only way I could keep on living.
Note: this was written based on a writing prompt provided to me through a paid course I am taking. I am not including the prompt, because the daily prompts are a critical component of that course.