Prompt 22: A Message To Me

At the end of my suffering, there was a door.
I did not want to go.
Even after I could no longer speak
or open my eyes
I held on for over a day,
anchored by the love surrounding me.
I did not want to cause pain,
and I was also afraid.

A moment came,
my tether to you had been weakening,
and the pull toward the door had been growing.
It was time, I made sure you woke up
then I let go and walked through the door.

With each step I found myself,
water trickling over my toes
and up my calves, my thighs,
until it settled around my waist.
I was soaking in magic, pure,
warm, clean, comforting –
a beautiful body of water.
We always said I was part mermaid,
it is only fitting that the ocean
is where I would end up first.

Washed away were my fears.
Rest assure that I am safe and
I still feel your love. So strong – SO strong.
I’m so sorry that you’re in pain,
I wish I could wrap you in my arms again
and tell you everything is okay and let you feel what I feel.
But we both have new existences to adjust to.

My beautiful body is mine again,
yet somehow not mine anymore.
I am whole but different.
I am reunited with our source in a way that I cannot describe.
One day, you will experience this too – but please,
don’t join me anytime soon.
My only darling, you have things to do –
some of which you know of, but some
only time will reveal.

Cry, feel all your feelings, Stay anchored in love –
love will maintain our connection
and allow you to make it through this.
I love you – my strong, capable, beautiful man,
my seahorse husband.
I wish with all I am that I could’ve stayed with you longer,
but for now we must be apart.
Even this distance
between worlds
cannot sever our love.

Note: this was written based on a writing prompt provided to me through a paid course I am taking. I am not including the prompt, because the daily prompts are a critical component of that course.

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