Prompt 10: Melancholy

Evening falling –
a soft lamenting
rings in my ears as the pup’s soft whines fill the room.
He misses you – and I do too.
A warm, grey cable-knit sweater
that was yours
wraps itself around me
but I still feel cold.
Your love always warmed me,
fun love
silly love
strong love
but now it is sad love.
My hands ache to touch you,
my wedding band still gleaming on my finger.
It’s dark and cold tonight
the sun has set,
and I miss you most in these melancholy evening hours.
You’re supposed to be here with me.
My love for you overwhelms.

Note: this was written based on a writing prompt provided to me through a paid course I am taking. I am not including the prompt, because the daily prompts are a critical component of that course.

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