I know where I live. I live in a world that is upside down. I’m supposed to be married. On this day, we were supposed to be home together, cuddling our newborn baby, who was supposed to be about a week old. You were supposed to be in your second semester of grad school, on your way to becoming the amazing social worker we all knew you could be. Some days, I close my eyes and can almost feel that life.
But the world turned upside down. Our baby is gone. You are gone. I’m now single, widowed, with no living children.
I will forever more live in a world with two paths: the path of the upside down “reality” and the path of what was supposed to be. For every day I continue living, I will think and wonder and dream about what should have been.
It is amazing to me how my world could turn upside down while almost everyone else felt no real disturbance to their reality.

Note: this was written based on a writing prompt provided to me through a paid course I am taking. I am not including the prompt, because the daily prompts are a critical component of that course.