So…. 2019 sucked. Our baby died. My wife died. I’m suddenly a widow at age 36. (Did I mention our 3rd wedding anniversary and my 36th birthday were both less than 3 weeks after Sara’s death…?)
I never imagined life would be this hard. I miss Sara so, so much – she was truly my soulmate. I grieve the future we’d planned for.
I’ve been open and honest about my grief on social media, because it was the only thing that made sense. I wasn’t going to pretend to just be OK. I’m not OK. I’m going to continue sharing and working through my grief in a way that feels helpful for my until that sharing no longer feels helpful/necessary.
I’m participating in a 30 day writing course specifically for writing about grief. I’ve always enjoyed writing, and I’m hoping this will be a healing experience for me.
I created this blog to capture my writing and share it with people in a way that didn’t involve long involved social media posts so that those who may not want to read don’t have to hide me anymore on social media!
I’ll be going through and selectively copying a few of my more substantive social media posts over to this blog, so you’ll see a handful of posts all with today’s date, and after that it should reflect the actual dating of the posts.